Spaceraccoon's Blog
InfoSec and White Hat Hacking
While GraphQL promised greater flexibility and power over traditional REST APIs, GraphQL could potentially increase the attack surface for access control vulnerabilities. Developers should look out for these issues when implementing GraphQL APIs and rely on secure defaults in production. At the same time, security researchers should pay attention to these weak spots when testing GraphQL APIs for vulnerabilities.
Despite the increased adoption of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) libraries and prepared SQL statements, SQL injections continue to turn up in modern applications. In real-world scenarios, researchers need to balance two concerns when searching for SQL injections - 1. Ability to execute injections in multiple contexts; and 2. Ability to bypass WAFs and sanitization steps. A researcher can resolve this efficiently with something I call Isomorphic SQL Statements.
While researching a bug bounty target, I came across a web application that processed a custom file type which was actually just a ZIP file that contains an XML that functions as a manifest. If handled naively, this packaging pattern creates additional security issues. These “vulnerabilities” are actually features built into the XML and ZIP formats. Responsibility falls onto XML and ZIP parsers to handle these features safely. Unfortunately, this rarely happens, especially when developers simply use the default settings.
The Spring Boot framework is one of the most popular Java-based microservice frameworks that helps developers quickly and easily deploy Java applications. With its focus on developer-friendly tools and configurations, Spring Boot accelerates the development process. However, these development defaults can become dangerous in the hands of inexperienced developers.
Diving straight into reverse-engineering iOS apps can be daunting and time-consuming. While wading into the binary can pay off greatly in the long run, it’s also useful to start off with the easy wins, especially when you have limited time and resources. One such easy win is hunting login credentials and API keys in iOS applications.